Incorporated in 1999, PARS is a leading power system and information technology consulting firm helping companies in the electric power industry. Our core competency is forensic analysis of transmission systems and design, operation and analysis of wholesale electricity markets.
Interconnection of renewable resources and storage batteries, market design, scheduling systems, market monitoring, settlement systems are among the many services we provide.
Our clients are developers of renewable resources, electric utilities, transmission companies, wholesale market (RTOs, ISOs, TSOs etc.), market participants and regulatory agencies.
PARS has facilitated interconnection of over 3,000 MWs of solar and wind resources and storage batteries in California alone. We have provided analysis and software solutions to key ISOs such as the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) etc. Further we have provided analysis and legal testimony on behalf of the Public Utility Commissions such as the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, The public Utility Commission of Texas and the State of Virginia's Commonwealth Corporation Commission. A list of our recent clients can be found under the Clients' Tab.
PARS only employs and retains well recognized, highly skilled professionals capable of assessing, designing, developing, testing and implementing world-class solutions in response to the needs of the rapidly changing electric power industry.
Our professionals are well versed in conducting, articulating and presenting meaningful technical and business analyses on the behalf of our clients.